Greg “G.R.” Stahl
Writing, Editing and Public Relations Portfolio

Author (Paddling Idaho, Falcon Books)

SEO Copywriter (iWALK Free)

Editor (Apex Leaders investment advisors website)

Public Speaking/PR (Owyhee Adventures, Idaho PTV)

Author (Deception at the Diamond D Ranch mystery)

Copywriter and Web Designer (KAI LLC construction)

Senior Editor (Sun Valley Magazine)

Author Publicity/PR (Recovering a Lost River)

Features Writer (Territory magazine)

Copywriter (Boise Relocation Guide)

Editor (Idaho Rivers United newsletter)

Public Speaking/PR (Idaho Headwaters, Idaho PTV)

Author (The Snow Inside Me)

Copywriter (Consilio Business Managers white paper)

Book Editor (Growing With the Flow)

Public Speaking (Various presentations and events)

54 Journalism and Writing Awards

Copywriter and Web Designer (VOP Lutheran Church)

Project Manager (Salmon Stories, Idaho Rivers United)

Photographer (OARS Dories anniversary celebration)

Features Writer (Sun Valley Guide magazine)

Copywriter (Northwest Integrity Housing Co. website)

Assistant Editor (Idaho Mountain Express newspaper)

Project Manager (The Most Interesting Fish in the World)

Reporter and Writer (Voices for Biodiversity)

Copywriter (Clearwater Basin Collaborative white paper)

Copywriter (Thomas Development Co. website)