Sacred echoes: comparing Nez Perce and Christian paths to the divine
“It is this latter point—seeking connection with the divine, often through nature—that I hope to use to help my characters understand their common ground and to help Cade further understand his place in the world. ”
Initial drafts of my second Cade Rigens mystery have Cade traveling to eastern Washington state where he immerses in Nez Perce Native American culture as he works to unravel another mystery. In the background is the continuation of Cade’s quest to understand faith, only this time his Christian understanding of faith becomes enmeshed in Nez Perce beliefs.
I’ve outlined this second book with the goal of having each Cade Rigens mystery explore a different facet of culture in the western United States. As with Cade’s learning to understand Basque culture in the first book, he will approach Nez Perce culture with curiosity and reverence—and a solid dose of confusion—from the perspective of his western roots.
European settlement across the West created significant conflict with the people who already lived there, and the Nez Perce are no exception. Read this article for a brief overview about this sad history.
I’ve written the following essay to help with my rudimentary understanding of ways Christian faith and Native American faith are similar and different so that I may attempt to portray Cade’s understanding of the concepts in the novel.
Comparing and contrasting Nez Perce and Christian views about faith
The tapestry of human spirituality is woven with diverse threads, each representing a unique cultural and historical context. Nez Perce and Christian faiths stand as two distinct expressions of belief, each offering a lens through which people perceive the world. This essay seeks to explore and compare the core tenets, practices, and cultural implications of Nez Perce and Christian faiths and starts with a high-level broad overview of each before analyzing key similarities and differences.
Overview of Nez Perce faith
The Nez Perce people, inhabitants of the Columbia Plateau, have a rich spiritual tradition deeply rooted in nature. Their worldview perceives spiritual essence in every facet of the natural world. Central to Nez Perce belief is the interconnectedness of all living beings, where animals, plants, and elements hold profound spiritual significance.
Nez Perce spirituality finds expression in various practices, with vision quests playing a pivotal role. Vision quests are personal journeys into the wilderness during which one seeks seeks guidance and connects with the spiritual realm. Additionally, communal dances and ceremonies foster a sense of unity and spiritual harmony within the Nez Perce community.
Cultural identity and spirituality are inseparable in the Nez Perce tradition. Oral traditions, storytelling, and the transmission of spiritual knowledge through generations form the backbone of cultural continuity and constitute a form of faith. The Nez Perce people view their faith not only as a set of beliefs and practices but as an integral part of their unique way of life.
Overview of Christian faith
Christianity, a global faith with diverse denominations, centers its beliefs on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Christian Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—forms the foundation of Christian doctrine. The Bible, considered the holy scripture, guides Christian beliefs and practices.
Christian rituals and practices include prayer, baptism, communion, and regular worship services. The church community serves as a focal point for believers, providing support, guidance, and a communal space for worship. Clergy play a vital role in shepherding the faithful and facilitating their spiritual journey.
The influence of Christianity extends beyond the spiritual realm and permeates Western culture. Art, literature, and societal norms bear the imprint of Christian values, shaping the collective consciousness of the western world. However, the spread of Christianity during periods of colonization has also raised questions about its impact on indigenous cultures, including the Nez Perce.
Compare and contrast Nez Perce and Christian ideas about faith
Despite the entirely disparate origins of Nez Perce and Christian faiths, there are notable similarities that underscore shared elements of human spirituality.
Interconnectedness and stewardship
Both Nez Perce and Christian faiths acknowledge the importance of interconnectedness, albeit in different forms. The Nez Perce view the interconnectedness of all living beings within the natural world, emphasizing a profound respect for animals, plants, and elements. Christianity, on the other hand, teaches the interconnectedness of humanity through the concept of the global Christian community or the “Body of Christ.”
Furthermore, both traditions emphasize stewardship, albeit with different focal points. Nez Perce spirituality encourages a deep sense of responsibility toward the natural world, promoting harmony and balance. Christianity also promotes stewardship, emphasizing the responsibility of humanity to care for God's creation.
Rituals and spiritual connection
Nez Perce vision quests, emphasizing personal communion with the spiritual realm through individual journeys, share common ground with certain aspects of Christian spirituality. Christian traditions, particularly within the realm of contemplative practices or personal prayer, also highlight individual connections with the divine.
Communal rituals, though manifesting differently, serve as a commonality. Both faiths recognize the power of shared experiences in fostering spiritual connections. While Nez Perce communal dances and ceremonies celebrate unity within the community, Christian worship services provide a collective space for believers to come together and express their shared faith.
Cultural impact on morality
Both Nez Perce and Christian faiths contribute to the development of moral frameworks within their respective communities. Nez Perce morality is often deeply intertwined with their spiritual beliefs, guiding their interactions with the natural world and fellow community members. Similarly, Christian moral teachings, rooted in the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus, provide a moral compass for adherents, influencing ethical decisions and interpersonal relationships.
Cultural identity and heritage
Both faiths contribute significantly to the cultural identity and heritage of their followers. Nez Perce faith is not merely a set of beliefs but an integral aspect of people’s way of life, shaping traditions, storytelling, and oral history. Similarly, Christianity has played a vital role in shaping the cultural identity of Western societies, influencing art, literature, and societal norms.
While these similarities exist, it is crucial to acknowledge the nuanced differences in the interpretation and manifestation of these shared elements. The cultural and historical contexts in which these faiths developed have led to unique expressions of interconnectedness, spiritual practices, and cultural impacts within the Nez Perce and Christian traditions.
Seeking connection with the divine
In conclusion, the exploration of Nez Perce and Christian faiths reveals a tapestry of beliefs, practices, and cultural nuance. Understanding and appreciating the richness of each tradition will be essential for fostering dialogue and promoting mutual respect among the characters taking shape in my unfolding draft.
As I navigate the intersections of spirituality and culture as I write Cade Rigens’ second novel, I hope to use the coexistence of these two diverse faiths as a testament to the beauty of human diversity and the varied ways in which people seek connection with the divine.
It is this latter point—seeking connection with the divine, often through nature—that I hope to use to help my characters understand their common ground and to help Cade further understand his place in the world.